یزید کی نامزدگی اور شخصی حکومت کا قیام
اسلامی نظام حکومت کی بنیاد شورائیت پر تھی ۔ آنحضور صلی اللہ علیہ و آلہ وسلم اور خلفائے راشدین کے ادوار اس کی بہترین مثال تھے۔ حضرت حسن ...Read More
It uses allocation of resources, materials and production capabilities for the purpose of serving different customers. Various production methods, such as single-product manufacturers, batch production, mass production, continuous production etc. They have their own production plan. Production plans can be combined with production planning and control with production production, or it can be combined and combined in the enterprise resource plan.